Author: Aunt Pam

  • Under Construction!

    Like many places, we are in the midst of what I like to call “Construction Season.” The road signs appear and suddenly, we are merging right, merging left, coming to a dead stop in the middle of the highway while loud machinery and brave men and women work right next to us. In the meantime,…


    There’s something about the written word that transcends time and place. It is a way to capture imaginations and flights of fancy. A practice of documenting runaway thoughts and making sense of them. If the writing is honest it cannot be separated from the man who wrote it. —Tennessee Williams The Word of God, the…

  • Finding My Voice

    If there is one thing I can say about me, it’s that I am an introvert by nature, an enneagram nine, the typical go along to get along….until I wasn’t. Oh, I’m still an introvert. But I had a bigger goal. I want to know what my task/talent in the kingdom of God is. I…

  • Prodigal Life

    In every story I hear about a Prodigal child/spouse, including the story told in LUKE 11-32, the Prodigal leaves home. However, I have come to learn, being a Prodigal is not about leaving home, it’s about leaving God. And we can do that right where we are. The Biblical story focuses on the physical separation.…